Friday, March 26, 2010

The Belly with a Mind of Its Own!!!

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I've been taking photos of the growing abdomen since about 27wks. It's now 40 weeks and, oh-my how we have grown. As each day goes by past the due date I'm getting a bit more nervous on the baby-size end of things. I'm a midwife, I know that babies are meant to fit and be born. I also know I have what many people kindly call a "child-bearing pelvis", BUT that doesn't make me super excited to give birth to sumo wrestler. I'm sure he'll come when he's just the right size. In the meantime I'll be giving that bowl of ice cream a second thought....right before I curl up with it on the sofa and watch LOST.

1 comment:

  1. As the mother of a nine pounder, I can sympathize. Just look at this way: the more the baby weighs, the more weight you instantly lose when he's born.


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